A couple of months ago this website was down, but my article “God of the Anxious” was published in The Redbud Post. I would be honored if you would read it now.

When I was 18 years old, I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. I could not make a phone call without sweating. I could not sign my name with someone watching. I could not speak to strangers without turning red. I could not go to school without a knot in my stomach. Coupled with depression, my body could not take it. I lost 10 pounds. I developed insomnia. I dreaded school every day and contemplated suicide.

How is one supposed to rise out of these crippling feelings?

Philippians 4:7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything…” and then goes into a to-do list that many believe will bring about the peace of God. At times in my life, I have repeated that verse to myself as if it were a magical incantation. But it didn’t work. Instead, my attempts to “stop” being anxious merely resulted in the suppression of my feelings, shame and more anxiety.

Telling someone with an anxiety disorder “do not be anxious” is as effective as telling a person with a cold “do not be congested.” Unless one has been gifted with the spiritual gift of healing and is casting out the illness, the phrase is useless, bringing about shame and defeat to the one hearing it.

You can read the rest here.